Parish Finance Council
The Finance Council provides expertise and consultation through financial analysis, planning and policy development to aid the pastor in the administration of parish financial resources, buildings and grounds. Council members are appointed based on their skills in finance, administration and law. They serve at the pastor's request. Chairperson Joe Williams [email protected] Members John Bruening | Hank Milnark | Larry Somrack | Tony Wanner | Rich Wozniak | Kelly Slattery | Bill White | Bill Young | Joe DuBois Parish Pastoral Council The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to promote the pastoral growth of the parish and to plan ways for the parish to carry out the mission of the Church. Council is called to listen to the needs of the community, to communicate the needs and concerns to the pastor and assist in developing appropriate responses to those needs and concerns. The Pastoral Council consists of discerned members who serve for rotating three year terms. Feel Free to contact any member. Chairperson Suzanne Finnerty [email protected] Members Eric Charmley Diane Corrao Francine Dome Adam Fender Nathan Frania Bob McIlroy Aaron Murray Clare O'Brien Zrinka Palmer Kelly Reed Luke Reed |
Parish Office Contact Information 12060 Kinsman Rd. Newbury, Ohio 44065 440-564-5805 Bulletin Submissions [email protected] |
Weekend Mass Schedule
Weekday Mass Schedule