Consider these wonderful opportunities to share our faith and connect with each other.
Coffee and Donuts
This social gathering takes place in the cafeteria following the 8:30 and 11:15 a.m. Sunday Masses. Individuals or couples are needed to set up, serve, and cleanup.
Golf Leagues (Men's & Women's)
There's no pressure, no tryouts - just fun, fresh air and friendship! Watch for announcements in the bulletin.
Ladies' Guild
St. Helen Ladies' Guild promotes sociability among its members, works for the general welfare and needs of the Church, and encourages spiritual and material undertakings that are recommended by our pastor, Father Jay. The Guild is open to all women of the parish. Activities include funeral luncheons, Father Jay's Birthday Breakfast, and the Christmas Party Luncheon. The meeting is held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 2:00 p.m. in the Bride's Room.
Parish Picnic
St. Helen Picnic Committee starts planning the Parish Picnic in January. The picnic is held at Wiegand's Lake Park on a Sunday during the summer. Volunteers are always welcome.
Unicycle drill team is available for parades and other events. For bookings email: [email protected]
This social gathering takes place in the cafeteria following the 8:30 and 11:15 a.m. Sunday Masses. Individuals or couples are needed to set up, serve, and cleanup.
Golf Leagues (Men's & Women's)
There's no pressure, no tryouts - just fun, fresh air and friendship! Watch for announcements in the bulletin.
Ladies' Guild
St. Helen Ladies' Guild promotes sociability among its members, works for the general welfare and needs of the Church, and encourages spiritual and material undertakings that are recommended by our pastor, Father Jay. The Guild is open to all women of the parish. Activities include funeral luncheons, Father Jay's Birthday Breakfast, and the Christmas Party Luncheon. The meeting is held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 2:00 p.m. in the Bride's Room.
Parish Picnic
St. Helen Picnic Committee starts planning the Parish Picnic in January. The picnic is held at Wiegand's Lake Park on a Sunday during the summer. Volunteers are always welcome.
Unicycle drill team is available for parades and other events. For bookings email: [email protected]
Parish Office Contact Information 12060 Kinsman Rd. Newbury, Ohio 44065 440-564-5805 Bulletin Submissions [email protected] |
Weekend Mass Schedule
Weekday Mass Schedule