Grieving with Great Hope gives people who are mourning the loss of a loved one a path through the valley of grief. It connects people with people here on earth and on their way home. And in the end, we are all led to the Great Healer, Jesus Christ in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. ~Father John Riccardo
Join Us
Grieving with Great Hope is a grief support workshop that offers prayerful reflection, practical learning, support and personal fellowship. If you are grieving the death of a loved one and want to learn how to cope with your loss, you are encouraged to attend. This series was created by John and Sandy O’Shaughnessy from Good Mourning Ministry, a Catholic apostolate.
We all experience loss in our own unique way.Free for all who attend The Grieving with Great Hope Workshop and the process of healing begins in PRAYER.
We come together as a community of faith to become disciples of hope. “Because the Father’s will is to raise up people, to share in His own divine life. He does this by gathering us around His Son.” CCC.
We pray, we are prayed over, and are prayed for. We pray for our beloved. We sing, we listen and we remember. We cry. We may even smile.
There are no stages to grief.
We all experience loss in our own unique way. We come to learn the intentional process of mourning. When we mourn, we outwardly express our internal thoughts and feelings. And it is through this process that we understand practical things we can do to help us heal our wounds and build our bridge to a new and different life. Christ is our role model. He wept. He prayed. He accepted His cross with great love and great hope.
If you are interested in joining us in this journey, please either fill out the online form by clicking on the button or complete the downloadable form and mail or drop off the registration form to St. Helen Catholic Church.
If you have any questions or for more information, please call the parish office.
Parish Office Contact Information 12060 Kinsman Rd. Newbury, Ohio 44065 440-564-5805 Bulletin Submissions [email protected] |
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